Category: BRIDGE

Building Resilience: helping nonprofits to create more equitable communities and a healthier planet

Today, Lightful is releasing our Building Resilience Impact Report. As the world around us continues to change at a rapid pace, we have been working to better meet the needs of nonprofits, so that we can all meet the needs of the current moment. I’m so grateful to my colleagues and all our stakeholders who have contributed towards making publishing this important report a reality.

Vinay Nair
29 May 2024
Powering feminist climate justice with Global Fund for Women

“Women and girls in Africa and the Caribbean are leading climate justice movements, but there aren’t many funders who will give money to young, emerging organisations and movements like these—who might not be formally registered or have long track records of doing this work. That’s why I’m focused on shifting money, power, and other non-financial resources to feminist climate activists so they can build their agency, control their narratives, and scale up their actions. It means meeting groups where they are while providing the resources for them to get to where they need to be to have the greatest impact.” Ayesha Constable, Technical Director for Climate Justice at Global Fund for Women

Nikhila Dega
Partnerships Manager
16 May 2024
World Engineering Day: unlocking potential through mathematics

Happy World Engineering Day! Today Lightful is celebrating the incredible innovations and solutions that engineers achieve, making the world a better place. From addressing climate change through to the design of new healthcare tools, engineering is at the heart of societal change.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
04 Mar 2024
Bridging gender gaps: celebrating women in science and engineering

As the world tackles some of society’s greatest challenges, from climate crisis to global health, the collective effort to bridge gender gaps in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) becomes ever more crucial. The global community recently marked the International Day of Women and Girls in Science which celebrates the invaluable contributions of women and girls to the economic development of the world.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
13 Feb 2024
The Climate BRIDGE Programme: fuelling digital advocacy for environmental nonprofits

In an era where climate change is one of the greatest challenges to our planet, the voices of environmental nonprofits need to be amplified louder than ever. Lightful believes in the power of digital to elevate climate justice, and we believe that every organisation deserves the skills, tools, and confidence to fully leverage digital to enhance their mission.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
19 Nov 2023
Lightful’s Gender Equality Fund: addressing the digital divide

The persistent gender gap in digital access and skills is preventing women and young girls from unlocking technology’s full potential. Gender justice and reproductive rights organisations have been battling with a huge swell of demand for services, yet they face a severe lack of funding, resources, and digital training to strengthen their organisation and keep up with other sectors.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
18 Sep 2023
Championing change: investing in nonprofit digital transformation

At Lightful we are on a mission to help nonprofits become better storytellers, communicators and fundraisers, and we believe in the transformative power of digital to help them do this. With more and more individuals turning to online platforms to connect with one another, campaign, share stories, and support the causes they care about, it’s crucial that nonprofits have a strong digital presence as a powerful tool to build trust with their audiences.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
23 Aug 2023
Bolton Wanderers x Bolton CVS x Lightful partnership empowers 50 local charities!

[PRESS RELEASE] The Bolton Digital Skills programme, a new initiative driven by a partnership between Bolton Wanderers in the Community, Bolton CVS, and Lightful, has celebrated its successful completion. Over the course of six months, this collaborative effort has equipped 50 local charities with the confidence and digital skills necessary to raise even more funds to support the local community.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
28 Jul 2023
Tackling climate change with digital communications skills

Environmental organisations around the world are working hard to tackle climate change, often with limited resources. What’s the role of digital communications in this battle and what support do they need?

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
07 Oct 2022
Community Foundation of Greater Flint - Learning more about their BRIDGE journey

We talked to Chakara Wheeler from the Community Foundation of Greater Flint to find out more about her work and her experience being part of the BRIDGE programme.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
16 Sep 2022
Spotlight - Hope and Dreams Initiative

We talked to the Hope and Dreams Initiative, an organisation with a mission to educate, empower and enable young people from under-served communities in Nigeria to find out more about their work and how they benefit from our BRIDGE programme.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
26 Jul 2022
#MHDay2022 - Highlights from BRIDGE participants who joined the campaign

On 28th May individuals, organisations and entire communities came together to celebrate Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) - a global campaign to raise awareness of the importance of menstrual health and hygiene for women, girls, and all people who menstruate around the world - which was initiated by our partner WASH United.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
27 Jun 2022
Lightful’s Digital Bootcamp - helping nonprofits create their first digital strategy

111 diverse nonprofits from 44 countries took part in Lightful’s free Digital Bootcamp to create their first digital strategy - we’re so excited to share with you what they learned and free resources for your charity.

Jaime Steers
Partnerships Manager
22 Jun 2022
How to plan a successful campaign for #MHDay2022

We’re only a few weeks away from Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) on the 28th of May and it’s time to start planning your content for the big day.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
06 May 2022
#MHDay2022 - Changing perceptions on menstrual health

We’re excited to launch a new BRIDGE cohort to support organizations working in menstrual health and hygiene (MHH).

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
14 Mar 2022
How to join International Women’s Day #IWD2022

We’re just a week away from International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate women’s achievement, raise awareness against bias, and take action for equality.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
03 Mar 2022
Celebrating #GivingTuesday2021 with our BRIDGE participants

Millions of people came together last week for GivingTuesday 2021. As the biggest day of giving, it’s the perfect time to celebrate generosity, kindness, and inspiring storytelling.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
07 Dec 2021
Ethical Storytelling: rewriting the nonprofit narrative with communities at the centre

Nonprofits hold some of the world’s most powerful stories. Each individual, community, and environment that they protect and serve, has their own story to tell and it is this rich reserve of narratives that can inspire, motivate and move the wider public.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
01 Sep 2021
Virtual events: using digital to create change, one footprint at a time

Despite the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, one thing remains the same, people are still looking for ways to connect and support the causes they care about. Events are a great way to bring people together through shared experiences and interests, creating a sense of community for participants, and virtual events have allowed this to continue despite lockdown restrictions.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
08 Jun 2021
Digital mobilisation: inspiring change online

The COVID pandemic has created an urgent need for nonprofits to rapidly scale up digital advocacy and digital fundraising. Organisations need to be reaching their supporters where they are, and in 2021… they are online. A rapidly changing world post-pandemic demands new approaches to engaging the public and winning their support.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
12 May 2021
How BRIDGE helped participants raise $5 million on their year-end campaigns

Last year the COVID-19 pandemic created challenges across many sectors, but especially for nonprofits, many of which were previously reliant upon in-person events and more traditional means of fundraising. At Lightful, we’ve been working with charities to understand how the pandemic has affected the sector and what’s become evident is that digital fundraising skills are vital in adapting to the ‘new normal’ that has emerged following the pandemic.

Róisín McGovern
Head of Programmes
16 Apr 2021
How our BRIDGE programme participants achieved a 64% increase in online donations

At the start of 2020, we were set to deliver our second BRIDGE programme in partnership with GlobalGiving funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but as the global pandemic quickly took hold we knew we had to pivot to a COVID-response programme to help nonprofits through this challenging period.

Johnny Murnane
Chief Commercial Officer
12 Mar 2021
BRIDGE Insights – What makes charities confident in their digital engagement skills during COVID-19?

During uncertain times, charities are looking for new ways to survive and provide crucial services to their beneficiaries.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
29 Jul 2020
BRIDGE Insights – The link between confidence in digital skills and survival during COVID-19

It’s more important than ever to be more digital. We’re also aware though that many organisations do not have the capacity or the resources to improve their digital skills. Small charities may still be at the very beginning of their digital journey and it’s vital to help them as much as possible.

Jonathan Waddingham
Chief Product Officer
16 Jul 2020
BRIDGE takeaways – Fundraising During a Crisis

Earlier this month we’ve hosted the first masterclass for our new BRIDGE cohort. Participating charities all over the world joined us to talk about digital fundraising in crisis and how to launch a successful campaign during COVID-19.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
25 Jun 2020
BRIDGE Insights – Top concerns and opportunities for charities during COVID-19

There is a growing need to be more digital to support your organisation. As charities move their services online to survive, it is imperative to build your team’s digital skills.

Jonathan Waddingham
Chief Product Officer
19 Jun 2020
BRIDGE takeaways – Internal and external communications during coronavirus

Last week we’ve hosted the first digital drop-in session for our new BRIDGE cohort. Participating charities all over the world joined us to discuss their internal and external communications during coronavirus and the challenges they are facing.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
11 Jun 2020
BRIDGE Insights – The demand for digital skills in a COVID-19 world

95% of the nonprofits who applied to our BRIDGE programme have been affected by COVID-19. In a world seemingly in constant crisis, technology has never had a more vital role to play.

Jonathan Waddingham
Chief Product Officer
03 Jun 2020
Bridging the Digital Gap: Helping Charities’ COVID-19 Response, Recovery and Resilience

As the world moved into lockdown earlier this year, we seemed to experience ten years of digital acceleration across the charity sector in ten days. Engaging (online) with supporters, raising (emergency) funds, delivering services (remotely) – under increasingly difficult circumstances, charities are needed more than ever to help those who need it more than ever.

Vinay Nair
26 May 2020
BRIDGE breakfast – Experts discuss the charity digital trends for 2020

On Friday 14th Lightful hosted a BRIDGE networking breakfast for charities and social enterprises in Bristol at the coworking space the Engine Shed. We were joined by a number of organisations to discuss the digital trends for charities looking forward to the rest of 2020 and beyond.

Emma Moore
Relationship Manager
17 Feb 2020

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