#MHDay2022 - Changing perceptions on menstrual health

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
14 Mar 2022

We’re excited to launch a new BRIDGE cohort to support organizations working in menstrual health and hygiene (MHH).

In partnership with The Case for Her and WASH United, we’re supporting 43 organizations all over the world to increase their digital fundraising and advocacy skills.

No person should be held back because of their period. It’s time to take action for a truly equal world.

We are happy to support these changemakers to raise awareness and champion education around menstrual health and hygiene.

Learning more about the #MHDay2022 cohort

More than 250 organisations expressed interest in joining our #MHDay2022 cohort and we were happy to double the initial capacity of the programme.

Our six-month BRIDGE programme revolves around Menstrual Hygiene Day (MH Day) on May 28 and it will be split into two phases:

  • Phase 1 runs from March to May and will focus on strengthening participants’ capacity to take part in the Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022 campaign using digital channels and engaging with traditional media.
  • Phase 2 runs from June to August and will focus on strengthening the organisation’s digital fundraising skills, including digital fundraising from everyday donors. Participants will learn how to transition an engaged audience to become philanthropic supporters, and ultimately how to raise more funds online.

Participating organizations are already engaged from the first session and we can't wait to support them on their digital journey.

What’s next

We are planning to share more details about the participants’ journey as part of the cohort over the next six months so keep an eye out for our blogs and social media posts.

Read more about the launch of the cohort

To find out more about the launch of the cohort and our partnership with The Case for Her and WASH United, read the blog we’ve co-authored with The Case for Her here.

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