Tag: Story Builder

Introducing Ethical Storytelling: Empowering Nonprofits to Share Impactful Stories

At Lightful, we believe that telling a compelling story is at the heart of every successful nonprofit. But beyond just capturing attention, it’s essential to tell these stories ethically, upholding the dignity and consent of the individuals whose stories are being shared. That's why we've developed our Ethical Storytelling tool, designed to help nonprofits communicate their mission while respecting and empowering the people they serve.

Jamie Elliott
Head of Technical Operations
10 Jul 2024
How to plan your December fundraising appeal using Lightful’s Story Builder

Did you know that 17% of annual giving takes place in December? It’s the perfect opportunity to tap into the generosity of your supporters by launching an end of the year fundraising campaign. Whether it’s for Giving Tuesday on 3rd December, a Christmas or Winter Appeal, we’ve got you covered with our new Story Builder template! And it’s got a snazzy new design too. We hope you love it!

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
31 Oct 2019

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