Tag: environment

Eco-storytelling - Your story can change our planet’s future

Storytelling can be an incredibly powerful tool, especially when in the hands of those seeking to change the world around them.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
15 Nov 2021
Supporting Youth Power Climate Reps at COP26

COP26 is shaping up to be one of the least inclusive climate summits on record.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
01 Nov 2021
Speak Up, Show Up, Act Up on Climate Change

On a cold, drizzly January morning, I made my way to an old handbag factory a few minutes’ walk from Oval. After a warm welcome from hosts Rubies in the Rubble, strategist, brand consultant and Extinction Rebellion speaker Paddy Loughman spent an impressive hour taking us through the case for climate change, its effects on the planet, and what businesses can do about it. This has come at a particularly pertinent time for Lightful, as 16 hours before Paddy began speaking, we had just signed our first Environmental Policy.

Tereza Litsa
Digital Engagement Manager
26 Feb 2020

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