Tag: charity
This is the last of our ‘Ten people you should know about’ series and this time it’s the turn of the leaders. We want to highlight ten leaders, in the social good space, who we think should be on your radar – if they’re not already! We’d also love to hear who you think is a great leader so we can follow them – let us know by tweeting us @Lightful.
It’s imperative for charities to think about the digital experience they provide for their users in a holistic way. This is something that Nancy Scott, Search Lead at Cancer Research UK, is extremely familiar with. We caught up with Nancy to talk about the ways in which charitable and beyond profit organisations can approach SEO, and some of the most common challenges she sees these organisations face.
Hello and thanks for tuning in. When a few of us got together to set up Lightful, we really wanted to help strengthen relationships between people who want a better world and the great causes making it happen. It’s thrilling to see it start to come together, and I’m so pleased to welcome you to our new website, new brand and visual identity, and the resources / blog part of our site.
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